grinder is compared to the Slingshot (slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机

grinder is compared to the Slingshot (slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



grinder is compared to the Slingshot it’s a win for the Slingshot

Traditional doser grinder Invented almost 100 years ago, they still represent a large % of the market. The main problems of the traditional doser grinder are the lack of flexible coffee dosage adjustment and the large amount of coffee doser retention. ( up to /over 300 grams of coffee ground retention).  When the Traditional doser grinder is compared to the Slingshot it’s a win for the Slingshot with a knockout in the first round.


grinder is compared to the Slingshot (slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



grinder is compared to the Slingshot it’s a win for the Slingshot

Traditional doser grinder Invented almost 100 years ago, they still represent a large % of the market. The main problems of the traditional doser grinder are the lack of flexible coffee dosage adjustment and the large amount of coffee doser retention. ( up to /over 300 grams of coffee ground retention).  When the Traditional doser grinder is compared to the Slingshot it’s a win for the Slingshot with a knockout in the first round.


it’s ,a ,win, for ,the, Slingshot ,with, a, knockout, in ,the, first, round
